aine’s Aroostook County is the best snowmobile riding in the United States thanks to the 33 active snowmobile clubs that work tirelessly to maintain the region's 2,300-mile trail system. Each of the 33 clubs are equipped with their own wide-track groomer, ensuring that the trails are groomed to perfection for riders. Most snowmobile clubs have a clubhouse, and generally speaking the clubhouses are open from Thursday to Sunday, providing a welcoming atmosphere for riders to gather, warm up, grab a bite to eat, and even enjoy live music on the weekends. These clubs are the volunteer organizations who make the snowmobiling experience in the Crown of Maine.
Whether you're a seasoned rider or a newcomer, the camaraderie and hospitality found in these clubs are sure to make your snowmobiling adventure unforgettable!
Aroostook County Snowmobile Clubs
- Allagash: Moosetown Riders, Inc. - 19 Inn Road, Allagash, Maine
- Ashland Snowmobile Club - PO Box 370, Ashland, Maine
- Benedicta Sno-Gang - PO Box 39, Benedicta, Maine
- Caribou Snowmobile Club - PO Box 143, Caribou, Maine
- Caswell: Pleasant Ridge Riders - 1405 Van Buren Road, Caswell, Maine
- Chapman Ridge Runners - PO Box 282, Mapleton, Maine
- Eagle Lake Winter Riders - PO Box 294, Eagle Lake, Maine
- Easton Trail Breakers - 11 Bowers Rd, Easton, Maine
- Fort Fairfield Snowmobile Club - PO Box 233, Fort Fairfield, Maine
- Fort Kent Snoriders Inc. - PO Box 131, Fort Kent, Maine
- Frenchville Snowmobile Club - PO Box 209, Frenchville, Maine
- Grand Isle: Cold Mountain SC - PO Box 172, Grand Isle, Maine
- Island Falls: Big Valley Sno-Club - PO Box 86, Island Falls, Maine
- Limestone Snow Hawks - PO Box 48, Limestone, Maine
- Linneus Sno-Sports Inc. - PO Box 529, Houlton, Maine
- Littleton: Meduxnekeag Ramblers - 334 Back Ridge Road, Littleton, Maine
- Madawaska Snowmobile Club - PO Box 755, Madawaska, Maine
- Mapleton: Walker Siding Swampers - PO Box 60, Mapleton, Maine
- Mars Hill: Central Aroostook Snowmobile Club - PO Box 528, Mars Hill, Maine
- Molunkus Valley Sno-Drifters - PO Box 323, Sherman, Maine
- New Canada: Twin Lakes Sno-Riders Inc. - 1641 Caribou Road, New Canada, Maine
- Oakfield: Smoki Haulers SC - PO Box 331, Oakfield, Maine
- Oxbow–Masardis Snowmobile Club - 1206 Oxbow Rd, Oxbow, Maine
- Portage Lakers Snowmobile Club - PO Box 149, Portage Lake, Maine
- Presque Isle Snowmobile Club - PO Box 1368, Presque Isle, Maine
- St. Agatha: Red Arrow Snowmobile Club - PO Box 202, St. Agatha, Maine
- Van Buren: Gateway Snowmobile Club - PO Box 407, Van Buren, Maine
- Wallagrass: Sly Brook Sno-Riders - PO Box 76, Wallagrass, Maine
- Washburn Trail Runners - PO Box 561, Washburn, Maine
- St. Francis SnoAngels -
- Weston & Danforth: East Grand Snowmoble Club - PO Box 182, Danforth, Maine
Maine Snowmobile Association
The Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA) is dedicated to promoting and supporting the sport of snowmobiling across Maine. With more than 28,000 family members and 2,100 businesses involved, the MSA acts as a liaison between snowmobile clubs, landowners, and state agencies to ensure the sustainability and enjoyment of the sport. The association oversees more than 280 affiliated clubs in Maine that maintain and groom the Maine's 14,000-mile ITS snowmobile trail system.
Quick Links
- Rent a snowmobile
- Check snowmobile trail report
- Find a snowmobile Club
- Register a snowmobile
- View the snowmobile trail map

Maine Snowmobile Clubs
- Abbot: Big Pine Riders Snowmobile Club
- Acton: Mousam Valley Snowmobile Club
- Albion: Night Roadrunners Snowmobile Club
- Alexander: Breakneck Mountain Sno-Riders
- Allagash: Moosetown Riders, Inc | 207-398-9060
- Alna: Alna Snowmobile Club
- Alton: LA Sledders Snowmobile Club | 207-943-7332
- Andover: Snow Valley Sno-Goers
- Anson, North Anson: Anson-North Anson Snowmobile Club or Facebook Page
- Appleton: Appleton Trailmakers
- Ashland: Ashland Sno-Mobile Club | 82 Masardis Rd, Ashland
- Atkinson: Cold Smoke Riders | 207-279-0008
- Auburn: Perkins Ridge Sno-Travelers
- Auburn: Andy Valley Sno-Gypsies
- Auburn: Auburn Sno Groomers
- Augusta: Fox Glen Snowmobile Club
- Avon: North Franklin Snowmobile Club
- Baileyville: St. Croix Trailriders
- Bangor: Paul Bunyan Snowmobile Club
- Beddington: Airline Riders
- Belfast: Belfast Area Snow Packers
- Belgrade: Belgrade Draggin’ Masters | 207-495-3452
- Belmont: Tri Town Snow Riders
- Benedicta: Benedicta Snowgang | Facebook Page | 207-365-7276
- Benton: Good Time Riders
- Benton: Country Cousins Snowmobile Club | 207-453-4796
- Bethel: Greenstock Snowsports
- Bingham: Valley Riders Snowmobile Club
- Bowdoin: Bowdoin Flurry Flyers
- Bowdoinham: Bowdoinham Snowbirds | Facebook Page
- Bradford: Bradford Snowblazers
- Bridgton: Bridgton Easy Riders | Facebook Page
- Bristol: Route 66 Snowmobile Club
- Brownfield: Burnt Meadow Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Brownville: Brownville Snowmobile Club
- Buckfield: Streaked Mountaineers
- Bucksport: Family Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-949-0793
- Burlington: Back Country Riders Snowmobile & ATV
- Buxton: Sokokis Riders Snowmobile Club
- Byron: Slippery Sliders Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Calais: Sunrise Snowmobilers
- Camden: Goose River Snowmobile Club
- Canton: Canton Hi Riders
- Caribou: Caribou Snowmobile Club
- Carmel: Carmel Snowmobile Club | 207-848-5991
- Carrabassett Valley: J.V. Wing Snowmobile Club | 207-578-2154
- Carthage: Webb River Valley Snowmobile Club
- Casco: Crooked River Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-699-6723
- Castle Hill: Aroostook River Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Chapman: Chapman Ridge Runners SC | Facebook Page
- Charleston: Charleston Stumpjumpers | 207-659-4717
- Cherryfield: Narraguagus Snowmobile Club | 207-546-7205
- Chesterville: Chesterville Country Ramblers
- Chesuncook: Great Northern Snowmobile Club
- China: China Four Season Club | 207-416-2070
- Clifton: Clifton Area Snowmobile Club
- Clinton: Town & Country Trailriders
- Concord: Lexington Highlanders Snowmobile Club
- Corinna: Corundel Raiders | 207-270-8832
- Corinth: Powerline Prowlers Snowmobile Club | 207-285-7020
- Cornish: Cornish Sno-Cruisers | 207-793-4730
- Cumberland: Moonlite Sno-Skimmers | 207-829-3877
- Damariscotta: Route 66 Snowmobile Club
- Danforth: East Grand SC | 207-538-6081
- Dedham: Bald Mountain Snowriders | 207-843-7857
- Denmark: Denmark Draggers
- Dennysville: Dennysville Snowmobile Club | 207-263-6306
- Detroit: Night Drifters Snowmobile Club | 207-355-5392
- Dexter: Wassookeag Snowmobile Club
- Dixfield: Poodunck Snowmobile Club
- Dixmont: Dixmont Gold Crest Riders | 207-991-7853
- Dover-Foxcroft: Piscataquis Valley Snowmobile Club
- Dresden: Dresden Sno-Valley Riders | 207-737-2566
- Eagle Lake: Eagle Lake Winter Riders | 207-316-7625
- East Millinocket: East Branch Sno-Rovers | Facebook Page | 207-746-9348
- Easton: Easton Trailbreakers
- Ebeemee Twp: Ebeemee Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-404-1654
- Ellsworth: Ellsworth Snowmobile Club
- Embden: Embden Travelers Snowmobile Club
- Enfield: Cold Stream Sno-Riders | 207-732-3006
- Etna: Sebasticook Valley Snowmobile Club | 207-278-8512
- Eustis: Arnold Trail Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Exeter: Exeter Cross Country Cruisers | 207-379-4871
- Fairfield: Fairfield Country Riders Snowmobile Club
- Falmouth: Falmouth Sno-Voyagers | Facebook Page
- Farmingdale: Barnstormers Snowmobile Club | 207-485-4992
- Farmington: Shiretown Riders | 207-491-0994
- Fayette: Fayette Ridge Riders Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page 207-293-2778
- Fort Fairfield: Fort Fairfield Snowmobile Club | 207-227-5455
- Fort Kent: Fort Kent Sno Riders | Facebook Page
- Freedom: North Star Riders
- Frenchtown Twp: Kokadjo Roach Riders | Facebook Page
- Frenchville: Frenchville Snowmobile Club
- Fryeburg: Interstate Snogoers | 207-935-1217
- Gardiner: Gardiner Ridge Riders Snowmobile Club
- Gilead: Wild River Riders
- Glenburn: Glenburn Lakeside Riders
- Gorham: Gorham SnoGoers | Facebook Page
- Grand Isle: Cold Mountain Snowmobile Club
- Grand Lake Stream: Grand Lake Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-796-5027
- Gray: Gray SnoWolves
- Greenbush: G & G Trailblazers
- Greene: Greene Dragons Snowmobile Club
- Greenfield Twp: G & G Trailblazers
- Greenville: Moosehead Riders Snowmobile Club
- Greenwood: Greenstock Snowsports
- Guilford: Four-Winds Snowmobile Club
- Hampden: Goodwill Riders Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-862-4290
- Harmony: Heart of Gold Snowmobile Club
- Harrison: Harrison Friendly Riders Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Hartland: Smokey’s Angels Snowmobile Club | 207-858-5333
- Hebron: Bouncing Bogies Snowmobile Club | 207-966-2733
- Hermon: Penobscot Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-848-5143
- Highland: Lexington Highlanders Snowmobile Club
- Holden: Eastern Maine Snowmobilers | Facebook Page | 207-989-2788
- Hollis: Hollis Honkers | Facebook Page
- Houlton: Meduxnekeag Ramblers Snowsled Club | 207-538-9042
- Howland: Twin Rivers Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Hudson: Pushaw Lake Snowmobile Club
- Industry: Northern Lites Snowmobile Club
- Island Falls: Big Valley Sno-Club
- Jackman: Border Riders Sportsman’s Club | Facebook Page
- Jackson: Jackson Wheel-n-Ski
- Jay: Andy Valley Riders | 207-754-3478
- Jefferson: Jefferson Sno-Packers | Facebook Page | 207-549-3145
- Kingfield: SnoWanderers Snowmobile Club | 207-265-6512
- Kingsbury: Kingsbury Off-Grid Groomers Snowmobile Club | 207-740-0455
- Kokadjo: Kokadjo Roach Riders | Facebook Page
- Lagrange: LA Sledders Snowmobile Club | 207-943-7332
- Lamoine: Frenchman Bay Riders
- Lebanon: Lebanon Trail Riders Snowmobile Club
- Lee: Lee Mogul Pounders Snowmobile Club
- Leeds: Leeds Stumpthumpers Snowmobile Club
- Levant: Hungry Hollow 76’ers Snowmobile Club
- Lewiston: Hillside Family Riders Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Lexington: Lexington Highlanders Snowmobile Club
- Liberty: Palermo Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Limerick: Route 11 Streakers | 207-929-0580
- Limestone: Limestone Snow Hawks | 207-498-0642
- Limington: Limington Crankers Snowmobile Club
- Lincoln: Lincoln Snowhounds Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-794-6109
- Linneus: Linneus Sno-Sports, Inc | Facebook Page | 207-200-4822
- Lisbon: Riverside Trail Riders
- Lisbon Falls: Pejepscot Sno-Chiefs
- Litchfield: Litchfield Snowmobile Club | 207-402-2977
- Littleton: Meduxnekeag Ramblers Snowsled Club | 207-538-9042
- Livermore: Livermore Trail Blazers
- Lyman: Lyman Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Macwahoc: Eastern Maine Snow Riders
- Madawaska: Madawaska Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Madison: Abnaki Sno-Riders | Facebook Page
- Manchester: Manchester Country Riders
- Mars Hill: Central Aroostook Snowmobile Club | 207-623-3363
- Masardis: Oxbow-Masardis Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Mattawamkeag: Mattawamkeag Roadrunners
- Mechanic Falls: Bog Hooters Snowmobile Club
- Medway: East Branch Sno-Rovers | Facebook Page | 207-746-9348
- Mercer: Mercer Bog Riders
- Mexico: Mexico Trail Blazers
- Milford: Pine Tree Snowmobile Club | 207-827-7066
- Millinocket: Northern Timber Cruisers | Facebook Page | 207-723-6203
- Millinocket: Twin Pines Snowmobile Club
- Millinocket: Jo-Mary Riders | Facebook Page | 207-746-9952
- Milo: Devils Sledders Snowmobile Club
- Minot: Minot Moonshiners SC | Facebook Page | 207-754-4812
- Monmouth: Cochnewagan Trailblazers | Facebook Page | 207-933-2155
- Monson: Narrow Gauge Riders Snowmobile Club
- Monticello: Meduxnekeag Ramblers Snowsled Club | 207-538-9042
- Morrill Tri Town Snow Riders
- Moscow: Valley Riders Snowmobile Club
- Mount Vernon: Minnehonk Ridge Riders
- Naples: Muddy River Sno-Seekers | Facebook Page
- New Canada: Sly Brook Sno-Riders | 207-834-6377
- Newfield: Route 11 Streakers | 207-929-0580
- New Gloucester: Royal River Riders | Facebook Page
- New Portland: Wire Bridge Sno-Travelers
- New Sharon: New Sharon Snow Riders | 207-485-9361
- New Sweden: Nordic Lakers
- New Vineyard: North New Vineyard Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Newport: Sebasticook Valley Snowmobile Club | 207-278-8512
- Newry: Windy Valleys Snowmobile Club
- Nobleboro: Damariscotta Lake Snowmobile Club
- Nobleboro: Route 66 Snowmobile Club
- Norridgewock: Norridgewock Sportsmen Association | Facebook Page
- Northport: Northport Ridge Riders
- North Yarmouth: Royal River Snowmobile Club
- North Yarmouth: Moonlite Sno-Skimmers | 207-829-3877
- Norway: Norway Trackers
- Oakfield: Smoki Haulers Snowmobile Club
- Oakland: Oakland Snow Goers | Facebook Page
- Orrington: Orrington Trail Riders | Facebook Page | 207-852-8000
- Otisfield: Otisfield Trail Blazers | Facebook Page
- Oxbow: Oxbow-Masardis Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Oxford: Rock-O-Dundee Riders | 207-838-0892
- Palermo: Palermo Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Palmyra: Palmyra Snowmobile Club
- Parkman: Parkman Trailblazers Snowmobile Club
- Parlin Pond: Coburn Summit Riders | Facebook Page
- Parsonsfield: Sacopee Valley Snow Drifters
- Patten: Rockabema Snow Rangers | 207-232-6898
- Peru: Peru Snowmobile Club
- Phillips: North Franklin Snowmobile Club
- Pittsfield: Pittsfield Driftbusters Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Pittston: Pittston Prowlers Snowmobile Club
- Pleasant Ridge: Lexington Highlanders Snowmobile Club
- Plymouth: Endless Season Riders
- Poland: Poland Sno Travelers
- Portage Lake: Portage Lakers Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Porter: Sacopee Valley Snow Drifters
- Pownal: Royal River Snowmobile Club
- Presque Isle: Presque Isle Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-227-6263
- Princeton: Princeton Pathfinders
- Rangeley: Rangeley Lakes Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Raymond: Raymond Rattlers Snowmobile Club | 207-776-5489
- Readfield: Readfield Blizzard Busters Snowmobile Club
- Ripley: Ripley Trail Riders | 207-446-3700
- Rockland: Bog Brigade Snowmobile Club
- Rockport: Goose River Snowmobile Club
- Rockwood: Blue Ridge Riders | Facebook Page | 207-205-0414
- Rome: Rome Ruff Riders
- Roxbury: Slippery Sliders Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Rumford: Rumford Polar Bears Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Sabattus: Sabattus Mountaineers Snowmobile Club | 207-212-8744
- Saco: Saco Pathfinders Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Sanford: Southern Maine Sno-Goers | 207-490-1681
- Scopan Lake: Walker Siding Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Searsmont Tri Town Snow Riders
- Sebago: Sebago Branch Duckers
- Shapleigh Mousam Valley Snowmobile Club
- Shapleigh: Squash Hollow Sno Goers
- Sherman: Molunkus Valley Sno-Drifters
- Shirley: Shirley Bog Trail Busters | Facebook Page | 207-717-7372
- Sidney: Sidney Trail Riders Club | Facebook Page
- Skowhegan: Skowhegan Sno-Hawks Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-474-5985
- Smithfield: Smithfield Moonshiners Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Solon: Solon Snow Hawks | Facebook Page
- South Paris: Snowhoppers Snowmobile Club
- Springfield: Quad County Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- St. Agatha: Red Arrow Snowmobile Club | 207-543-6303
- St. Albans: Sno-Devils Snowmobile Club | 207-938-2406
- St. Francis: St. Francis Sno-Angels
- Standish: Standish Sno-Seekers | Facebook Page
- Stetson: Sebasticook Valley Snowmobile Club | 207-278-8512
- Stockholm: Nordic Lakers
- Stoneham: Stoneham Knight Riders
- Stratton: Arnold Trail Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Strong: Narrow Gauge Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page
- Sumner: Mount Tom Snowmobile Club | 207-388-2500
- T5 R8: Bowlin Matagamon Shin Pond Snowmobile Club | 207-528-2900
- T8 R9: Libby Pinnacle Sno Riders | 207-435-8274
- Temple: Shiretown Riders | 207-491-0994
- The Forks: Forks Area Trails Club
- Thomaston: Bog Brigade Snowmobile Club
- Topsfield: Crossroads Snowmobile Club
- Topsham: Topsham Trail Riders | Facebook Page | 207-751-8651
- Turner: Turner Ridge Riders | Facebook Page
- Unity: Unity SnowDusters
- Upton: State Line Snowmobile Club
- Van Buren: Gateway Snowmobile Club
- Vanceboro: Vanceboro-Lambert Snowhounds
- Vassalboro: Kennebec Valley Trail Riders/Vassalboro Snowmobile Club
- Vienna: Vienna Mountaineers Snowmobile Club
- Waite: Crossroads Snowmobile Club
- Waldo Tri Town Snow Riders
- Waldoboro: Waldoboro Sno-Crawlers
- Wales: Wales Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club
- Warren: Bog Brigade Snowmobile Club
- Washburn: Washburn Trail Runners or Facebook Page 207-455-8439
- Washington: Hill & Gully Riders
- Waterboro: Ossipee Mountaineers | Facebook Page | 207-206-0566
- Waterford: Waterford Snow Packers
- Weld: Weld Winter Wildcats
- West Forks: Coburn Summit Riders | Facebook Page
- West Gardiner: Cobbosseecontee Snowmobile Club | Facebook Group
- Westmanland: Nordic Lakers
- Weston: East Grand Snowmobile Club | 207-538-6081
- West Paris: Mollyockett Sportsmen Club
- Westbrook: Westbrook Trail Blazes | Facebook Page
- Whitefield: WJW Snowmobile Club
- Wilton: Woodland Wanderers Snowmobile Club | 207-860-0234
- Windham: Windham Drifters Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-370-9516
- Windsor: WJW Snowmobile Club
- Winn: Dwinal Pond 4-Seasons Club | Facebook Page | 207-290-7973
- Winslow: Fort Halifax Snowdrifters
- Winterport: Winterport Riverside Riders
- Winthrop: Hillandalers Snowmobile Club | Facebook Page | 207-370-5086
- Wiscasset: Wiscasset Sno-Goers
- Woodstock: Greenstock Snowsports
- Woolwich: Nequasset Trailbreakers