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Libby Camps

Much like our first guests over a century ago, people still visit Libby Camps for many of the same reasons.  They come to enjoy a level of peace, quiet, and solitude few know exist, in a place that time and modern society have left largely untouched.  They come to watch spectacular sunsets give way to blankets of stars so bright and vibrant they almost don’t seem real.  They come to explore woods and waters teaming with wild brook trout, flush with ruffed grouse, and filled with more wildlife and natural beauty than any amusement park could deliver in ten lifetimes.  But regardless of why they come, what we care about more than anything else is what they take with them when they leave.  Because beyond that fish of a lifetime, the delicious home-cooked meals, and the spectacular sunsets are the memories made in the company of family and friends.

We have 133 years of those memories at Libby Camps – isn’t it time you made a few of your own?

Experience summer

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